

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Sept 6- Mtskheta and Tbilisi

After mounting an entire shopping bag full of fresh walnuts  (generous gift from our host) on my bike, we were off to Tbilisi. On the way we briefly stopped in Mtskheta which is known for its old churches. Nice but very touristy.
In Tbilisi we met up with James' friend Pinky. He was still at work so we got to leave our bikes at his office and stroll around town until the evening.
For dinner we bought one of those typical flat Georgian breads with the two tails. These loaves are cooked in a giant clay oven that is build into the ground with a fire at the bottom. The baker reaches into a wide mouth at the top of the oven and smears individual batches of dough onto the oven wall where they stick and bake until pulled off using a long stick with a hook at the end. So cool. It is so bizzare compared to any style of bread making but the final product is delicious, especially when dipped in tkhemali sauce.
One of Pinky's friends had just opened a new hostel a few days ago and we got to stay there for three nights. The Fox Hostel! See next post for more info on it.
We were its first guests.
In the evening Pinky took us on a walk through the old town and then met up with some friends for vodka and orange juice. Cheers!

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