

Thursday 17 May 2012

Day 13 - Kaleden to Anarchist Mt. 61 km
(Days 10-12 hanging out at home in Kaleden)

Beautiful ride along Skaha Lake. The Antelopes were in full bloom and the weather gorgeous!

Brief Yoga break on the side of the road in Osoyoos before starting the climb up Anarchist Mt. A relaxed mind is key for such feats! 

View of the Okanagan Valley looking south

Bruce and Connie let us camp in their yard for the night. Very much appreciated!!! 

A First: when about to brush my teeth before going to bed, I was too lazy to get my water bottle to wet my tooth brush so I just poured some wine on it. It was a most delicious teeth brushing session and my first time ever brushing my teeth with wine. I can highly recommend the combination of Colgate toothpaste and Hillside Un-Oaked Pinot Gris 2011. Enjoy!

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