After a thorough investigation, at least it seemed that way, the border guards let James into the US of A. Woohoo America here we come! At the first rest stop, a disoriented lady bug made for some great entertainment.

The name of this town just calls for a photo and a smirk. C'mon...Babb. What a name!
The mountains of Glacier National Park. Unfortunately the Going to the Sun Road was still closed due to snow so we had to circumnavigate the park. Still beautiful.
As we rode on from East Glacier, the wind continued to pick up. It got to the point where it was too dangerous to ride because the wind kept pushing us (mostly me) into the traffic lane and the fact that the shoulder was only about a foot wide did not help. We found a little wall to sit behind to wait out the gale force winds. We sat, snacked and napped there for 5 hours but the wind just got worse. The only other structure nearby was a wheel chair accessible outhouse. We were so sick and tired of the wind we would take anything for some good shelter....even a lonely outhouse on the side of the highway.
It was very clean inside and we could not detect any unpleasant odours. Home sweet home...finally!!!
We managed to stack both bikes in there, still leaving enough room for us to sit, cook and later on sleep. I must say my bed for this night was a big of a tight squeeze next to the toilet bowl but it was still waaaayyy better than getting blown away by wind. I am trying to picture your guys' faces as you are reading this. WHAT camping in an outhouse!!! Gross!!! Well I tell you, sometimes you get desperate and an outhouse becomes exceptinally inviting all of a sudden. We sure had a great time. Our delicious soup and pasta dinner was followed by yummy Mayan style hot chocolate and a movie on James' iPod. Cool, huh?! All this while the elements were raging outside.
Cozy cozy birds eye view.
Happy Out House Appreciation Day to you all!!!!