

Saturday 2 June 2012

 Day 19 - Creston to Yahk, 38 km
(sorry this posting is a bit out of chronological order)
I am sure you have never heard of Yahk before. It is tiny community along HWY 3 between Creston and Cranbrook. We were told that there is an amazing ice cream shop there so we stopped and lo and behold I run into Michel and Nicole. They used to live in Penticton but moved to Cranbrook not long ago. We chatted while I enjoyed my "Salmon Slobber" ice cream. (can recommend it). Mike, the ice cream shop owner, permitted James and me to camp on the lawn behind the building. We were then also invited to the big May Long Weekend Party that evening over by the Yahk hall. It was a blast!!! The people were so much fun and welcoming, the music fantastic and the food just kept coming and coming until I thought I would burst. 
James helping Mike set up for the show. Mike plays the "drums" on old suit cases! (see bottom left of picture)
Chillin by the fire!

Tom and his fried chicken.
The biggest surprise of the evening was that we got the opportunity to get "Screeched In" as honorary Newfoundlanders. Tom (above) is a Newfie so performed the ceremony with all those interested in receiving this exclusive title. James and I got screeched in seperately so since the pics of me are on his camera I will just show the ones I took of him for now.

Newfoundland Screech rum!
"I hear the calling of the sea" ( please repeat)
Kiss the cod.
I dub thee.....

More great entertainment by the Kings of Kitchener!
Pretty flames

Next morning, we got to go along with Marlene taking the goats for a walk in the woods. The goats love on the roof of the Yahk Soap Company which Marlene ( Mike's wife) runs. She uses goat milk to make her soaps which have incredibly funny labels. If you are ever in this area of the world, stop by the Yahk Soap Company for a humerously aromatic break.

Thanks Mike and Marlene for the hospitality. It was great to meet you!!!! Good luck at school, Angela.

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