

Sunday 19 May 2013

May 2 - First Day in Croatia

A bit of a rainy morning but we managed to get packed up somewhat dry. Rode with Maja abd Tomi for a bit until our ways parted.
Followed a nice, wooded back road into Rijeka. There traffic got crazy busy all the way to Bakarac where we found an old fishing shack or something like that where we decided to set up for the night. (Cute town in picture is Bakara, just before Bakarac) The shack is a bit out of town and last time James rode through here nobody objected to him sleeping there.
We noticed another cyclist coming along the highway as it was starting to get dark so we flagged him down and invited him into our camp.
LJ is riding from Holland to Istanbul to raise money for a school in Kenya which his family in involved with. His blog is
Despite the never ending traffic noise, which reverberated off the steep cliffs around the bay, the subtle urine odour in the air and the humid air, we slept....okay.

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