

Sunday 15 July 2012

Some of you may still wonder why the heck I am cycling through the USA on a Trans Canada trip. Just to clarify, one of James' cycling buddies got married in Colorado on July 14 and I got invited to come down for the party. I could not turn down the offer. Officially I am still on a Trans Canada trip with a "little" detour down south.

I also just want to give my apologies for the delay in my updates. We have been covering lots of miles during the last few weeks to make the wedding on time. I hope that from now on my updates will be more frequent.

Thanks for your interest in my blog. I love hearing from you!!!!


  1. What an exciting trip! I hope you will still come back home. We would miss you and your smile :-)
    Thank you, Linda, for a lovely card and touching message. Your heart is in the right place. Love you. V+A

  2. Great to meet you, and hear about your journey! Wish I had more than water for you folks! Have a safe journey! (Owl Canyon, Colorado, July 20 . . .approx. 45 miles from Laramie Wyoming at 11-ish am) We will watch your blog!Be safe, Jodi

    P.s. Email me, if you would your address, I found a magnet bear in my driveway that says Glacier Park on it, I believe is yours.
